
Getting braces: 5 things adult patients should know

“Am I too old to get braces?” – That’s one question that many adult patients ask about orthodontic care. Orthodontics could be an option for you, provided your teeth and gums are healthy. Even when you have evident concerns with your teeth, you can get treatment accordingly. If you are contemplating a visit to a renowned Irving Texas orthodontist, check some details worth knowing.

  • There are more options than metal braces: You don’t have to taste metal all the time to get a straight smile. Today, there are incredible orthodontic treatments for adults, and if metal braces aren’t your first option, you can consider other options, such as Invisalign and ceramic braces.
  • There are several reasons to seek orthodontic care: For many adults, aesthetics is the first reason to see an orthodontist. However, you will reap other benefits too. Cleaning straight teeth is much easier, and you can keep up with your oral hygiene habits. You can also avoid enamel damage and continue to eat foods you like, especially if you choose removable clear aligners.
  • You don’t have to wear braces forever: If you are wondering whether you have to continue to be in orthodontic treatment for a long time, you are mistaken. Over the years, diagnostics, treatments, and techniques have evolved manifold, and most patients see significant improvements in 6 to 24 months.
  • Invisalign has many aspects: If your orthodontist finds Invisalign a suitable option, you have to consider the pros and cons. While Invisalign trays are removable, you have to commit to wearing the trays for at least 22 hours. Invisalign doesn’t require as many appointments, and your aligners will be replaced every two or more weeks.
  • You can consider braces even with crowns and veneers: If you have existing veneers and crowns, you can still qualify for Invisalign and other treatments. Your orthodontist will take steps to ensure there is no damage to the restorations. Invisalign is often recommended to patients with veneers.

Meeting an orthodontist

Braces, Invisalign, and other treatments are more affordable today than before. Dental insurance may pay for your treatment, but even if your plan doesn’t cover the costs, you can always talk to the practice and discuss payment options. The sooner you see an orthodontist, the better outcome you can expect. They will also ensure you have realistic expectations and understand the different steps of the treatment.

You can find local orthodontists in your area in Irvine through Google or references. Book an appointment to learn your options.

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